A bit of inspiration most weekdays for building YOUR Platform.

No Golden Machines

As humans, we can become attached to "golden" machines. A very expensive bicycle set up just right, a well-tuned tool, a nicely configured workstation… ...more

September 05, 2024 #tools #server #golden

Platform != People

The right people in your organization is absolutely essential -- no question about that. And dealing with "people issues" is a critical and essential … ...more

August 22, 2024 #people

Hack-it, ship-it, forget-it ...

Hack-it, ship-it, forget-it ... is a race to the bottom where cost is the only thing that matters. The initial delivery is what your customer gets -- … ...more

August 19, 2024 #hack


What type of culture do platforms thrive in? Where ideas are valued and evaluated on merit and truth. Where initiative is rewarded. Where mistakes res… ...more

August 15, 2024 #culture #oss #organic

Three levels of YOUR Platform

We can look at platforms at three levels. Your personal platform is the know-how that you can personally reuse from task-to-task, project-to-project,… ...more

August 14, 2024 #levels

What are the first steps?

What are the first steps to building YOUR Platform? Ironically, the first step is not some grandiose new Platform vision, but rather to set your house… ...more

August 13, 2024 #steps

What is YOUR Platform? (v2)

Had a nice visit with Rod and he asked me to describe what a Platform is in 20 words or less, so here we go: YOUR Platform is the collection of techno… ...more

August 12, 2024 #platform

But what if ...

In the last post, we discussed the fallacy of using complex technology when the scale does not justify it. But, what if we get a lot more customers, o… ...more

August 08, 2024 #future

You are not Google

A blog article published 2017 titled You Are Not Google is a good read. This article makes the case that most companies are not operating at the size … ...more

August 07, 2024 #google

Do something different

If you only build on other people's platforms, how are you different? And if you are not different, what value are you providing? We are not talking d… ...more

August 02, 2024 #different

Control is a scary thing

Control is a scary thing -- because then we are responsible. And if we are responsible, then we can't blame someone else. But if we are not responsibl… ...more

July 31, 2024 #control

What is control?

What is control in the context of Your Platform? Control is simply the ability to respond to opportunities and problems. In modern systems we are very… ...more

July 30, 2024 #control

The long game

Platforms are long games. If you are building a one-off consumer product that will not be maintained, improved, or ever change, then you probably don'… ...more

July 26, 2024 #short #long


What is the role of simplicity in your platform? Simplicity makes it easier for people to use your platform. Simplicity helps ensure maintainability. … ...more

July 22, 2024 #simplicity

What is your Platform?

What is a Platform? There are many ways to look at this. Some might think of AWS, GCP, iOS, Android, etc. These are certainly platforms, but they are … ...more

July 18, 2024 #platform

The Beauty of Constraints

Constraints are what guide us to good solutions. Software that is simple enough that average developers can actually understand it. A user interface t… ...more

July 17, 2024 #constraints


Product development is hard. Technical debt tends to accrue at a frightening pace. A "Platform" approach helps you reign in the chaos. And provides a … ...more

July 15, 2024 #meta