Keeping commitments
Cliff Brake December 16, 2024 #disipline #commitmentsWhen we commit to something, do we follow through? How do we get better at this when we always have more to do than time to do it?
The thought came recently that it probably starts with keeping commitments to ourselves, which is the essence of self-discipline. If we can't keep promises to ourselves, likely we won't keep them to others either.
If we plan to get up at 6 AM, do we?
If we plan to walk every day, do we?
If we plan to work on something today, do we block out the time and make it happen?
Seemingly simple things, but important and sometimes hard in this busy life.
If we can't do the small things, we'll likely not succeed in the bigger things.
This is foundational in Platform Thinking -- at the personal, group, or organization level. If you do the small things right, this will enable you to do the big things.