A bit of inspiration for building YOUR Platform.


Abstractions and Platforms -

Coupling -

What is a good abstraction? -


Effective email is either a pointer or notification -


What is the role of AI in your platform? -


Abstractions and Platforms -

Architecture vs. Optimization -


Handling the small details -

The three legs of YOUR Platform -

envsetup.sh -- a very useful automation technique -

What is the simplest form of automation? -


Github and why does it matter? -

Tracking upstream and why does it matter? -

What makes a good Yocto BSP? -


How to help yourself? -


Who is a changelog for? -


How to help yourself? -


Selecting tools -

The three legs of YOUR Platform -

Inbox zero -


Keeping commitments -


Advanced technology and small players -

Github and why does it matter? -

Tracking upstream and why does it matter? -

What makes a good Yocto BSP? -


Dates in filenames -

Platforms vs Architecture Astronautics -

How do you consistently name things? -

How can we be more consistent? -

Does consistency matter? -


The Beauty of Constraints -

The tragedy of no constraints -


Effective email is either a pointer or notification -


Control is a scary thing -

What is control? -

Why do we need some level of control? -


Coupling -


Creativity -


Rituals and Culture -

Culture -


Your team as the customer -

Who is the customer in organizational hierarchy? -

Confusion about when we are the customer -

Simple -- from whose perspective? -


100 daily emails -

What will you improve today? -

#data structures

Coupling -


Dates in filenames -


Seeing patterns -


Demos vs. Products -


Isn't it risky to update your dependencies? -

The cost of updating dependencies, or not -


Do you own your deployment? -


Handling the small details -


Do something different -


Keeping commitments -


Documentation is part of the process, not an afterthought -

Personal vs. collaborative documentation -

How to help yourself? -


Abstractions and Platforms -


Effective email is either a pointer or notification -

Inbox zero -


When things go wrong ... -


The problem with experts -


False vs Real Platform Development -


Easy to start vs. easy to finish -


Preparation - lessons from the kitchen -


What is the #1 purpose of YOUR Platform? -


What is the role of vision? -

Preparing for the future -

The present or the future? -

But what if ... -


The importance of small Git commits/pull-requests -

The importance of Git Commit/Push often -

Inbox zero -

How can you make your commercial source code customers happy? -

Where do you put stuff? -

What is the best tool for private Git repos? -

Github and why does it matter? -


How can you make your commercial source code customers happy? -

What is the best tool for private Git repos? -


Goals vs. Systems -


No Golden Machines -


You are not Google -


Thinking, Designing, Developing, Engineering ... -

Habits -- a critical ingredient in YOUR Personal Platform -


Hack-it, ship-it, forget-it ... -


Use a headset optimized for calls -


How to help yourself? -


Humility -


Improve development efficiency, reduce technical debt -

Good enough is not good enough -

What will you improve today? -


A platform stuck in time -


Integrate early -

Creativity -


The importance of Git Commit/Push often -


What can kids teach us about platforms? -


Support from the top -

Three levels of YOUR Platform -


Demos vs. Products -

Lifecycle management in dynamic systems -


The long game -


How to keep a product maintainable? -

Good enough is not good enough -

What makes a good Yocto BSP? -

Hack-it, ship-it, forget-it ... -

Three levels of YOUR Platform -

False vs Real Platform Development -

The long game -

Simplicity -

The Beauty of Constraints -


Support from the top -


Personal vs. collaborative documentation -

Inbox zero -


What can kids teach us about platforms? -


Use a headset optimized for calls -


Introduction -


Seeing patterns -


Dates in filenames -

How do you consistently name things? -


Personal vs. collaborative documentation -

What is your most important tool? -


Architecture vs. Optimization -


Culture -


How to get the little things done? -

Where do you put stuff? -


How can you make your commercial source code customers happy? -

Advanced technology and small players -

What happens when someone else tries to use your work? -

Github and why does it matter? -

Tracking upstream and why does it matter? -

What makes a good Yocto BSP? -

Culture -


What is the difference between YOUR Platform and other platforms? -


Owning YOUR platform is not more expensive -


When edge nodes grow up -

How do you partition systems? -


Seeing patterns -


Platform != People -


Personal vs. collaborative documentation -

What is your most important tool? -

Use a headset optimized for calls -

Habits -- a critical ingredient in YOUR Personal Platform -

Three levels of YOUR Platform -


The three legs of YOUR Platform -

The Platform Test -

What is YOUR Platform? (v2) -

What is your Platform? -


How to get the little things done? -


Preparation - lessons from the kitchen -


The present or the future? -


Are your processes proactive or reactive? -


Lessons from a 1-year old dog -

Solving problems or symptoms? -


The three legs of YOUR Platform -

Thinking, Designing, Developing, Engineering ... -

Are your processes proactive or reactive? -

When things go wrong ... -


Demos vs. Products -


Platform reflection -


Why are releases important? -

Who is a changelog for? -


The easiest path to reliability ... -


It's about not starting over every time -


Isn't it risky to update your dependencies? -


Rituals and Culture -


Joy -


Two ways to scale -


No Golden Machines -


Confusion about when we are the customer -


envsetup.sh -- a very useful automation technique -


Thinking, Designing, Developing, Engineering ... -

What is the #1 purpose of YOUR Platform? -


The long game -


Simple -- from whose perspective? -

Simple to maintain vs simple to implement -

Simple to use vs simple to implement -

What can kids teach us about platforms? -

The easiest path to reliability ... -

Where do reliability/stability problems typically come from? -

Complex Systems, Simple Platforms -

Simplicity -


The smaller you are, the more import YOUR Platform is -


Advanced technology and small players -


Easy to start vs. easy to finish -


What are the first steps? -


Lessons from a 1-year old dog -

Solving problems or symptoms? -


Goals vs. Systems -

Platforms are for building systems -


Two paths -

Your team as the customer -

Personal vs. collaborative documentation -

What happens when someone else tries to use your work? -

#technical debt

Two paths -

Improve development efficiency, reduce technical debt -

The cost of updating dependencies, or not -


Easy to start vs. easy to finish -

Advanced technology and small players -

What is the purpose of technology? -

Where do reliability/stability problems typically come from? -


The Platform Test -


How to help yourself? -


A platform stuck in time -


How to get the little things done? -


What is your most important tool? -


Selecting tools -

Two classes of tools -

Use a headset optimized for calls -

No Golden Machines -


The importance of small Git commits/pull-requests -


Isn't it risky to update your dependencies? -

What is the first thing you should implement? -


The biggest benefit to frequent updates -


Tracking upstream and why does it matter? -


Simple to use vs simple to implement -


How does your product value increase after the initial sale? -


What is the role of vision? -


How can you make your commercial source code customers happy? -


100 daily emails -


Abstractions and Platforms -


Github and why does it matter? -

Tracking upstream and why does it matter? -

What makes a good Yocto BSP? -