A bit of inspiration most weekdays for building YOUR Platform.

What is the role of vision?

Cliff Brake September 19, 2024 #vision #future

Yesterday, we discussed the difficulty in predicting the future and the folly of "just-in-case" development.

However, we should not discount the need for vision -- the sense for where we need to go in the future.

Not necessarily specifics, but a gut-feel for where things are heading.

Clearly seeing problems that could be solved.

To understand the changes that are happening in our respective industries.

To realize the potential of new technologies that most don't understand.

This vision does not translate to "just-in-case" feature development, but rather building a platform that prepares you to meet the future.

Where you can quickly build the features your customers need as you learn the specifics.

Where iterations cost very little.

Where new features and technologies can be integrated, validated, and deployed -- confidently.