Simple to use vs simple to implement
Cliff Brake January 30, 2025 #simplicity #usersTo make something simple to use, often it is not simple to implement. For example, in the SimpleIoT UI, the following line of code is all that is required to add a text input field to a node. No handlers need to be attached, etc.
textInput Point.typeDescription "Description" ""
However, the code that implements the textInput function is a little more involved.
Generally, the better you want the user experience to be (even if your users are developers using your API or library), the more work you'll need to put into things behind the scenes. There is a fundamental tension between "Simple to use" vs. "Simple to implement" -- you can have one or the other -- usually not both. We all use many "components" in product development, but an excessive off-the-shelf mental, especially at the top hardware and software levels of your product, won't get you very far.
Simple != Easy