A bit of inspiration for building YOUR Platform.

100 daily emails

Cliff Brake January 20, 2025 #daily #writing

Today marks the 100th "daily" email I've sent out. (I don't actually send on weekends, or days when I'm out of the office). Some observations:

  1. Daily is easier than weekly -- I was skeptical when others said this, but I think it is true.
  2. If I skip a few days, it can be hard to get going again. There is something about the process of doing something daily that energizes the creative process and keeps it going.
  3. Ideas are everywhere -- when I write consistently, the mind starts to see ideas everywhere. There are 32 article ideas in my backlog -- Ideas come in much faster than they go out.
  4. I spend 10-20 minutes a day writing these posts. Often writing one will spur the idea for the next, and I'll write that one too. I think it could be even faster.
  5. Tooling is important. I have scripts that automate creating a post and publishing it. Kit is configured to pick up the post from my site's RSS feed and then mail it out. There is nothing slow or painful about the process that pushes me away from doing it.

If you have feedback, please let me know! I'd love to know what topics are interesting to you or not.