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What is the best tool for private Git repos?

Cliff Brake September 02, 2024 #git #gitea

Several days ago, I made a case for using Github to engage users around your OSS project.

But is this the hammer you should use to drive every nail?

For private projects, I think Gitea is actually better in most respects.

It is very fast, clean, and most of the basic functions work as good or better than Github.

And you can host all but the largest repos on a $5/mo Linode with unlimited users.

Groups and permissions are very flexible.

Branch protection works.

In all, it is very good!

I wrote an Ansible role that works very well for updating your Gitea instance. I've updated through ~70 Gitea versions with almost no problems.

Gitea may be a better option for YOUR internal Platform -- more details to follow ...