A bit of inspiration for building YOUR Platform.

How to get the little things done?

Cliff Brake November 11, 2024 #pomodoro #organization #time-management

Previously, we discussed habits. Habits are the way we get the small, but important, things done.

Some people are naturally neat, organized, and focused -- I'm not. Stuff tends to pile up in my workspace and I don't even notice it.

One thing I've been using some is the Pomodoro technique. This is a time management method where you use a timer to break down work into intervals -- typically 25 minutes in length separated by 5m breaks.

The primary goal of the Pomodoro technique is to increase focus, and that is a worthy goal.

However, another benefit of this technique is to allocate time for the little things, like organizing your workspace which is a good use of your 5m breaks.

These are the little things that clear space to do the big things -- part of YOUR Personal Platform.