A bit of inspiration most weekdays for building YOUR Platform.

You are not Google

Cliff Brake August 07, 2024 #google

A blog article published 2017 titled You Are Not Google is a good read. This article makes the case that most companies are not operating at the size of Google, Amazon, and LinkedIn. Thus, most of us are solving different problems than the big 5 tech companies.

YOUR Platform needs to fit your problems at your scale.

If one server will work, then you are saving yourself untold pain and suffering by not pre-maturely building a distributed system.

If one monolothic application can run your product, then you are saving a lot of hassle not implementing microservices up front.

Keep it simple -- you can move to distributed micro-services later -- AFTER you succeed at a smaller scale.

And if you succeed at small scale, then there will be plenty of resources to adjust your architecture later.

The quicker you can get to a MVP, the better, and simple gets you there quicker.

But what if ??? ... stay tuned :-)