A bit of inspiration most weekdays for building YOUR Platform.

The smaller you are, the more import YOUR Platform is

Cliff Brake August 01, 2024 #size

This may seem like a contadiction -- how can small companies afford to own and control their Platform? Should not this all be outsourced? "Platforms is what large companies do."

Actually, the reverse is true. Netflix can afford to build on AWS and be locked into the AWS platform because they have enough volume that they have clout and the ability to negotiate. Amazon will make sure Netflix gets what they need.

Small companies cannot get this type of support.

Does this mean "small company" should never use AWS? No, certainly not -- AWS is a good option for many things.

But it does mean that we only use stuff in AWS that we can migrate elsewhere if needed.

Use managed Postgres instead of some proprietary AWS.db.

Use NATS running on EC2 or managed at Synadia instead of a proprietary event system.

Owning YOUR Platform does not mean you build all of it, but rather you have some level of control over it. You have options.

And the smaller you are, the more important this is.