A bit of inspiration most weekdays for building YOUR Platform.

What is control?

Cliff Brake July 30, 2024 #control

What is control in the context of Your Platform?

Control is simply the ability to respond to opportunities and problems.

In modern systems we are very dependent on others as there is no way we can do everything ourselves.

But we can also strategically retain enough control so that we can adjust and adapt as conditions require.

We have more options today than ever before.

We may think putting all of our eggs in the "big company" basket is the path to safety.

But if we open our eyes, we soon realize this does not always work.

"big company" may discontinue a service we depend on.

"big company" may have an outage.

"big company" may have security problems.

There is nothing wrong with using "big company" as long as we have the option to move when problems or opportunities require it.

Lock-in is a good short-term strategy, but is rarely beneficial long-term.